Salbini Experience: Scott Wilson from Australia

Scott Wilson is our commercial manager and agent in Australia.

He came in Italy in June 2022 for the Salone del Mobile and then he visited Pagani, where we had the opportunity to interview him.

“I love Italy and working with Italians… I like the beautiful people in the South”.

His role

He’s the commercial manager and agent in Australia.

“I have to face between our team in Pagani and our clients in Australia: mainly with commercial clients but also with private ones as well”.

“…dealing with the client, being the middle piece between the Australian clients and our team in Pagani… I love being part of the process”.

Interesting aspects of the job

Scott loves everything about his job but several things stand out most:

“…dealing with the client, being the middle piece between the Australian clients and our team in Pagani… I love being part of the process… I get to see beautiful pieces of furniture, beautiful joinery”.

What clients usually ask

Clients ask Scott lots of things: they ask about the prices but they are also curious about the process and how Salbini operates. They also want to now about Salbini.

“I tell them the history of Pagani and the history of the company”.

Relationship Pagani-Sydney

It’s amazing this relationship Pagani-Sydney.

“We get to expose Australians to this part of Italy… I feel very proud that I get to tell the story of Pagani and our business, which is a family”.

The future of the job

Scott is very positive about the future of Salbini.

“In 2 years we will have more staff, more commercial clients, we will grow even larger… I see exciting things for Salbini in Australia and in every other country as well”.